De’Layna Giles

De’Layna is a 14 y/o twin. She has a twin sister who she has a typical sister-sister relationship. De’Layna is a really active girl who loves sports. She participates in basketball, Track where her favorite events are Shot Put & Discuss Throw. She’s also very active in band for the past 4 years where she plays the tenor saxophone. De’layna’s journey all started with a swollen lymph node under her arm in April off 2021. Her Dr was seen in normal medication was given to reduce the swelling. Yet, later that year in December they came back in multiple spots, plus having dizzy and passing out spells.
After being taken for another X-ray and more blood work her Dr told me to rush her to the local hospital for a blood transfusion. The Er Dr contacted Driscoll Children’s Oncology Depart. They decided it be best to rush her by ambulance so further testing could be performed. On Dec 27,2021 a biopsy was performed on a lymph node removed from her neck. A few days later she was diagnosed w/ Classic Hodgkin lymphoma cancer. She has been a soldier with her diagnosis as well as her treatments this far. She has a long journey to go but with the Lord’s blessings she will get through this. Thank you for considering De’Layna as a part of your fundraiser this year! It’s really a blessing to even be considered!!